Sunday, May 28, 2006

Yes, I am!

Just a quick update to say that I got my place at Scarborough and start there on 25th September. Went up there for an induction/pre-course day last Tuesday where they gave me an astonishing amount of paper (6" thick?), all of which I'm meant to read at least once.


Met lots of nice people though, so it should be all fine.

Other than that, not much to report. Currently attempting to update the 'Local Churches' booklet for the next batch of Freshers, including a map and a short description of each church. Sounded like a good idea before - but it's taking longer than expected!

Book stall in the Chaplaincy Library on Tuesday (12-2), Communion at London Road campus on Wednesday (1:05) and Chaplaincy Social 'Beer & Cake II' at Mark's on Friday (from 5:30pm).

Other than that, just need to sort out Greenbelt things, and read all that stuff for the autumn.

Anyway, hope you're all well. God bless!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations Sal! :D Scarborough is priviledged to have you.