Saturday, December 15, 2007

The sights, the sounds...

For the time being, I'm still working at the hospital (well, not right now, because it's Saturday...) and it's getting slowly more interesting as I'm shown how to do things other than filing. Still not overly brain-taxing though.

Other than work, we seem to have very effectively filled up our evenings, including 2 pub quizzes a week - one at 'the Three-Legged Mare' (aka the Wonky Donkey)... which we won last week and came second this week... and the other at 'The 'ole in t'Wall', where the third member of our team asked if he could join us a few weeks ago and we have been a team ever since!
Also, we have been going to the 4-part choir at church and performed on Wednesday at the York FC Carol Service (where John Sentamu was preaching) and that went well. Next Sunday is the St.Luke's Carol Service and on Christmas Eve, there is a Crib Service with Christingles, but I won't be there for that one, as I'm going home! (woo!).

In other news, Michael and I spent last weekend in S.London with his paternal grandparents. I also met several of his aunts, uncles, cousins, a great-aunt and several of his grandparents neighbours and other acquaintances, who were all very nice and welcoming, but there were, well, quite a lot of them!
We also went to see Mary Poppins on stage at the Prince Edward Theatre. The show was amaaaaazin! Aside from the amazing singing and truly astonishing dance routines (not a tap out of place when the chimney sweeps are dancing on the roof), the set was spectacular. A typical Cameron Macintosh, with bit of set sliding on and off sideways, up and down... and I still don't really know how they did the 'taking-stuff-out-of-a-bag-that's-clearly-too-small' scene!
I did have a stinky cold for that weekend too (my third in 3 weeks), but it seems to have gone now. Woo!

Also, finally, I have finished the website for my home church (Hatfield Road Methodist Church), and it can be found at If anyone finds anything wrong with it, please do let me know - I'm aware of several typos, but I haven't got as far as fixing them yet.

Anyway, I really ought to go, as I need to do all my Christmas shopping today! Not so good.

(And, Cakes, I haven't forgotten the pictures - I will tidy up when I get back from shopping, take pictures and post them, or at least that's the plan!)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Pastures new

Well, having finished in Scarborough and spending the summer crossing the country repeatedly. Greenbelt was FANTASTIC! I will try and blog on that soon.
Anyway, the big news is that I have a new place to live. I'm moving in the next couple of weeks to a room in a 3-bed house in York. (email for address, if you want it). I don't quite have a job yet, but I am working on finding a temping position, learning to drive and then taking it from there.

Will try to blog again soon!

Monday, July 16, 2007

My past month...

Well, I did pass my PGCE. So I'm now a qualified teacher. Yeep! That's a little bit scary. And before you ask, no, I don't have a job yet. If anyone knows of a school near York wanting an Infant Teacher, please let me know. ;-)

Other than that, I've spent the past month covering across significant distances across the country, largely by train. Between June 29th and July 28th, I will have travelled 2,167.9 miles (according to Google Maps).

This includes Dave & Marie's wedding (pic taken at CU Ball last year),

Chris & Rebecca's Wedding

Dave & Zoe's Wedding
(Don't have any pictures)
Tim's graduation
(Don't have any pictures)

Also, I will be helping at holiday clubs in Macclesfield and York, as well as attending Sam & Rosie's Wedding.

I have got to learn to drive!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just to say that, barring throwing a child out of a window or something,...


Saturday, June 02, 2007

Where did May go?

Last time I looked, it was April. May has disappeared and now it's June. Yeep!

Well, this week was half term and I've done a fair bit of work and a reasonable amount of sleeping. It's been rather nice. I've written half term plans, weekly evaluations for the past three weeks (backdated - shhh!). I've been shopping a few times. And tried to figure out where I have to be when at the end of June and throughout July. It is a complicated process, including finishing school placement, going to 4 weddings in 4 different places in the space of 5 weekends, helping out at a holiday club in Macclesfield for a week, plus perhaps finding a job and maybe even a flat. Oh, and eating/sleeping/etc, might feature in there somewhere. Maybe.

In other news, my old laptop has been gradually going senile over the past couple of months and finally got to the point where it would not reliably charge or indeed stay on, it was getting slower by the day and various other features were falling by the wayside. So, I used some of my TDA bursary and bought myself a shiny new one (Dell Inspiron 640m). After a few hiccups, it has arrived and I've just about installed everything that I need at the moment. It's very shiny and light. It's also got Windows Vista, which is proving fun now I've got used to it. Still need to get a few things (photos, music, etc) off the old one, but I'll do that when I've received the replacement for the faulty (2 month old) power cable that I've sent back, when the old laptop might stay on for more than 10 minutes. When I've done that, I will set about 'refurbishing' it so that it's in a fit state to pass on. :o)

Anyway, ought to get back to work. Lesson plans don't write themselves, ya know. Nor do formative assessment records, schemes of work, task analyses, ...

Monday, May 14, 2007

I'm hiding...

from my lesson plans! (I've got 2 to write for tomorrow, plus 4 to write evaluations for from Friday and today).

I've been on placement for a week now. It seems to be going well. I've got used to the class, learned their names, and mostly figured out what happens when. There are only 21 of them, which is nice, although a couple of them are quite capable of making it feel like a fair few more than that!
I've taught a few activities this past week, including teaching Year 1 (age 5-6) to subtract by counting back and to recognise & name 3-D shapes from pictures, plus teaching the whole class about symmetry and how to use the shift key and space bar when typing.

This past week or so, the theme has been Minibeasts... Creepy-crawlies or bugs to most people. Thus, we've been learning all about bees, snails, worms, beetles, ladybirds and goodness knows what else. Tomorrow, as a special treat, I'm going to be taking in my housemate's giant African land snails (~6-8 inches long!) to show them.
Last week, we went on a minibeast hunt in the playground and came back with 3 ladybirds, 6 snails, a dead bee, 3 slugs, 2 worms and 4,000 woodlice (ok, that might be a slight exaggeration, but they're slow and easy to catch!). The children were unable to catch the pigeon or the crow!

The week before (May 4th), I wrote 4 essays in a week (2 x 2,000 and 2 x 1,000) which in total amounted to 6,140 words. I was rather proud of myself for that, although it might have been a good idea to have started a little earlier. Never mind, it'll be a while before I have to write another one, if ever. Maybe if/when I do a Masters?

Anyway, my lesson plans are calling... Will post soon.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Check this out...?

Life has generally been ok for the past few weeks. I had a good break over Easter, including a day in Reading including visiting the Chaplaincy (of course), followed by a couple of days when Michael, Chris & Rebecca came to visit St.Albans and 'did' a City Tour that I got from the Tourist Information office for free. It was really good, incorporating St.Peter's church, the Clock Tower, the Abbey, Verulamium Park, the Watermill, Fishpool Street and then back into the centre. The weather was perfect for us. After the tour, we then came back home and had tea & cake in the new garden room, which was very fun and really rather twee too. They also came to both the Maundy Thursday Communion and also the Good Friday Reflection, which was lovely too.

Since then, I've not done a whole lot of anything remarkable. Went for a curry at the Spice Hut with Mum, Dad & Tim last Thursday and had my first ever biriani.
Came back to Scarborough on the train last weekend. It was busy, but quite an easy run.

This week's been ok. I've been in lectures everyday. Some of them have been interesting and a few have been useful.

Next week, I go into my next placement school for visits (Hilderthorpe Infants, Bridlington). Until Tuesday, I was under the impression that I would have a Year 1 class (age 5-6yrs), but on phoning the school the three of us who are going to that school discovered that we actually have mixed Year 1/2 classes (ie. age 5-7yrs in each class)! Not that it really makes much of a difference, but it would have been nice to know. I have 'Pink' class (all the classes are named as colours).

This weekend, Chris & Michael are coming to visit. Chris is staying with Michael tonight, and then they're both heading over here tomorrow night. We're going to Whitby on Saturday, including a Kate Rusby concert, which I'm really quite looking forward to. :o)
As part of this, though, I decided I really ought to get some food in to feed them, so after lectures, I walked down to Tesco (a mile or two). I did lots of shopping, buying packed lunch things for next week, as well as dinner for tomorrow night. I decidd to treat the guys and selected a bottle of Thatcher's Katy, plus a bottle of local ale (forgot the name). When I got to the till, however, the woman asked for ID. Well, I don't have any. She wouldn't believe me (citing 'company policy'). So, no ale/cider for me. That might be a good thing in some ways thought, because I then realised quite home much I'd bought. I had my backpack, but it still had in it everything from college, so I put a few things in there, but also 4 carrier bags. Which I had to get to the bus stop. The bags had better ideas, and the bottom of one of the bags started to split and a bottle of squash made a solid attempt at a bit for freedom (failed). God bless the angel who walked past and offered me her carrier bag (which I declined, but only because I'd got to the bus stop). I got it all home and have been trying to do some work ever since. Getting there, but very slowly. Should get some more reading done, before I go to bed soon-ish.

Generally, life is ok though. God bless. /Out/

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Whatcha lookin' at?

I was just looking at the list of things that people were searching for when they ended up here looking at my blog.

Here are a few of the things that led here:
  • story books enid blytons collection for 6 or 7 class
  • nick baines+easter friday
  • strawberry font
  • Nativity-cross-stitch
  • sally bridgstock
  • jibe productions
  • "jibe productions"
  • Nocturnal animals Lesson plans
  • bill bryson notes from a small island car petrol station commentary about
  • bridgstock
  • presentation it's not grim up north

Now, some of those make sense, but some of them are really quite odd!

Anyway, I'd better get on with something more constructive now...

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Train to the King's Cross

Here is the story of the end of term and my trip home for Easter:

On the last day of term (Friday), I handed in my essay on behaviour management. As of Thursday morning, I had written about 1,200 words. By 4am on Friday, I had written 4,100. However, there were birdies singing when I went to bed!

That weekend, Michael came to visit. Sunday afternoon, we headed back to Michael's in York to begin my journey home for Easter.

Monday was Michael's 23rd birthday. However, he wasn't very well, so it was sort of postponed until Tuesday.
So, on Tuesday, we went to see Amazing Grace and really enjoyed it. We then went home and had steak, saute potatoes and roast butternut squash for dinner, before heading out to meet a friend of his from Macc at the pub. A good time was had by all.

On Wednesday afternoon, I headed to the station to go home to St.Albans. I caught the train to King's Cross (although I was getting off at Stevenage), sitting opposite a middle-aged man with a very nice Dell mini-laptop.
We got talking. He asked me where I was going, and told me that he was a barrister and was on his way back from Middlesbrough, having won a court adjournment because his witnesses couldn't agree on their story.
At this point, I was doing number/word puzzles based on the DaVinci Code. (the relevance of this will become clear).
At one point, he asked me if I was going on holiday this year. I said that I was going to the Greenbelt festival. He'd never heard of it and it took a little bit of time to establish that 'Christian Arts' was not a person ("Christian as in the faith, not the name").
He told me he used to go to church when he was younger, but hadn't been in a long time. I suggested that he go for Easter and (to my surprise) he agreed that that was a good idea!

He then noticed the DaVinci Code puzzles, and asked me what I thought of the book. I confessed I'd not read it but that I'd like to. He told me I should. Having established that I was a Christian, he asked me why I thought that the Catholic church/the Vatican/Opus Dei had put so much effort into countering the DaVinci Code. I said I thought it was because the issue was very important and that the church believed that they had the truth and that potentially people's souls were at stake.
The conversation rapidly progressed on to why I believed what I do, what evidence there is for any of it (made slightly complicated by the fact that he wouldn't accept the Bible as evidence), what 'truth' is, and a whole bunch of other questions. I focussed on the resurrection, and did my best, but I was tired and only had an hour. Plus, he was a lawyer!! Anyway, in the end, I gave him my email address. On 1st May (approx one month from the conversation) he will re-ask his question on what evidence there is for Christianity and why I believe it, and he wants a reply.

And then Dad picked me up at Stevenage station and drove me home.
Not much has happened since.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Brief Encounter

I have several posts planned, but I only have very limited 'net access.

I'm back in St.Albans now.

Will post in more detail soon, possibly including:

  • Finishing that essay

  • The Northern Lights trilogy that I just finished reading

  • The guy on the train yesterday that I ended up discussing Christianity with for over an hour

Also, I haven't forgotten about the Nick Baines post I promised long ago. To date, the time has not shown itself...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Stitch and time...

Just a quick check in regarding the world of me...

I am in the process of writing a 4,000 word essay. It currently stands at 1,519 words, but it's starting to flow, so that's good.
Title is:
“A teacher or practitioner will be a more effective manager of children’s behaviour if s/he demonstrates and promotes positive values, attitudes and behaviour underpinned by theories”
Discuss with regard to observations & experiences from teaching practice as well as theories/literature.

Not the most inspiring topic ever, but it's getting there.

Oh, it's due in at 3pm tomorrow! :oS

In other news, I had a mole removed from my arm this afternoon, so I now have 2 stitches and a rather large plaster on my arm. It's quite sore/tender, but not too bad really. I've never had stitches before. :o)

Also, I'm planning on being in Reading on Wednesday 4th April (just under 2 weeks away) with Michael, Chris & Rebecca... so if anyone fancies meeting up for a Shakeaway & a trip to the Chappy, drop me a comment/email and we'll see what we can arrange.

Better get on... this essay won't write itself, more's the pity!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Biscit out of contact

Quick message, whilst attempting to write this wretched essay...

For those of you who still have my biscit email account on record... Biscit has gone bust so that address is now defunct.

My email address is now sally [dot] bridgstock [at] googlemail [dot] com.


Monday, March 05, 2007

Geeks of the World Unite!

I've given in to my geek urges.

I've bought MS FrontPage, which is software to write HTML and make webpages. So, at some point, when I have some spare time (ROFL!) I will be creating a Brooms of Destruction webpage. I've started it, but it'll take a bit of time to get it sorted. If there's anything you think should go on it, let me know via email or by comments box.

Also, my blogroll is working again, so the updated blogs jump to the top. :o)

Ok, geekiness can be suppressed again.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I do like to be beside the Seaside!

Well, I'm back in Scarborough now. After 5 weeks in Hull, apart from half term, I've finished that placement. I PASSED IT! Woo! I got a 'satisfactory', which is just fine by me. (The scale is 'Very Good', 'Good', 'Satisfactory', 'Fail'). My tutor said I should be able to get it up to a 'Good' on my next placement.

I'm gonna miss the kids there, I think. Some of those kids have it sooo tough. I'm guessing that most of the people who are reading this took it for granted when they were at school that they would go wearing an approximately clean uniform, that they'd get some tea/dinner when they got home, etc. Some of the kids I was working with don't have that luxury. I was in the nursery, meaning the kids weren't in uniform. Some of them had maybe 2-3 outfits and regularly came in with several days work of grime/food/muck down the front. They were nearly all wonderful kids though and a joy to deal with, generally.

Half term was fun, although it did involve 3 return trips to York, as I went for both weekends and also for Valentine's, as we didn't have lectures Wednesday/Thursday. (We did Mon/Tue/Fri!). Michael went down with 'flu on the Wednesday though, so that wasn't great. I've managed to avoid getting it myself though, which is good.

This week coming, I have Monday as a 'Study Day', which is nice. Other than that, I'm back in lectures for the next 4 weeks, until Easter.

Right, ought to get on with stuff...
God bless!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Where am I now?

Taking time out from writing lesson plans and evaluations to update you on what's been happening in the past month or so!

Christmas day we went to church in the morning, Nan & Uncle Brian came to ours for lunch and then we all went over to Auntie Sue's for tea and silly games.

Over New Year, Michael & I went up to the Lake District for a few days, visiting Bowness, Windermere & Grasmere. New Year's Eve went joined Michael's parents & some of their friends from Uni, at a hostel (apparently completely in the middle of nowhere!) and then spent a reasonable amount of New Year's Day walking/climbing up to Red Tarn (part way up Helvellyn) ... in the hail, which was just lovely.
January 2nd, we explored Grasmere, visiting Dove Cottage which was the home of William Wordsworth and his family for a significant amount of his life. We also found the 'Jumble Room', which was just wonderful, so if you're ever in Grasmere, do check it out.
I then went home and spent a couple of lovely days attempting to work.

Since then, I've come back to Scarborough, written an essay, moved to Hull, written countless session plans (ok, about 13), taught those sessions, ... etc.

Anyway, I'm being picked up in half an hour to go back to Hull, so I'd better get myself packed, etc.
(I'll be out of contact online for 2 weeks... will check emails when I can).

Thursday, January 18, 2007

From Hull...

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year & all that jazz!

Sorry for the break in transmission. I will update on Christmas & New Year escapades at some point, but for the time being... I'm in Hull for the time being on teaching placement, and will have very limited computer time. Indeed, I'm writing this from the class computer...
I got my Child Study assignment (4,000 words on the value and purpose of observing children in class) handed in on time, although it did involve working until 4:30am the night before it was due in (which was last Friday). I then moved temporarily to Hull on Sunday and started placement on Monday. ie. I'm knackered!

Anyhoo, I'd better go. :o)

God bless!